Join us

I am interested in showing you the fantastic world of biology and our place in it. I want to introduce you to the skills and information you’ll need to be a biologist, as well as to general skills you could use if you go on to use biology as the basis for another career. Biology is not about learning a bunch of facts that others have generated – it’s about weaving current knowledge into your own research to explore the living world. It’s about asking exciting research questions and going out and getting the answers; extending both the depth and breadth of our understanding of the world around us.

The McArthur Behavioural Ecology Lab is located in the Heydon-Laurence Building on Sydney University’s Camperdown Campus.

I encourage prospective students interested in a PhD, Masters or Honours research project to contact me.



PhD and master’s project opportunities

1. The foraging and behavioural ecology of mammalian herbivores: how they interact with the plants they eat and with the predators that want to eat them

2. Ecologically relevant heuristics and problem-solving by mammals

3. Influence of plant odours on foraging and behavioural ecology of mammalian herbivores


Contact details

Professor Clare McArthur

+61 2 9351 2062

Room 303, Heydon-Laurence Building (A08), The University of Sydney,
NSW 2006, Australia